Hours today for Childrens Place

10:00 - 21:00

Closed today
  • Monday: -
  • Tuesday: -
  • Wednesday: -
  • Thursday: -
  • Friday: -
  • Saturday (today): -
  • Sunday: -


🕗 Childrens Place hours in Bangor, 04401

04401 663 Stillwater Ave, Bangor Mall Bangor, us
P: (207) 262-7135
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The Children’s Place is the leading kids clothes, toddlers clothes and baby clothes store in the United States. Our range of kids tops, bottoms, dresses, pants and shorts are quality made and make it easy to dress your child in fun outfits. For your very little ones, we have you covered too – our wide range of toddler and baby clothing will give you a choice of looks for your newborn boy or girl. The Children’s Place also has a wide selection of children’s and baby shoes, as well as fun kids accessories to complete the look.


Nearest Childrens Place stores, Childrens Place Bangor

TOYS R US - BANGOR [7519], Bangor


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33 Stephen King Drive The Marketplace at Augusta, 98.4 km

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Party City Bangor, Bangor

480 Stillwater Avenue Stillwater Plaza, 733.6 m

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Childrens Place Augusta, Augusta

8 Stephen King Drive, Marketplace At Augusta, 98.4 km

Closed today

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42 Main Street, 152.9 km

Closed today

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364 Maine Mall, 183.6 km

Closed today